Matthan Turnquest, Keith Munro and Jean-Pierre Chabrol (MCA), Murray Garde, John Mawurndjul, Samuel Namundja and Zebedee Bonson, Kudjidmi, 2017. Photograph: Nici Cumpston
Artist John Mawurndjul, Tristan Derátz, Murray Garde and Keith Munro, Maningrida, Northern Territory, 2016. Photograph: Nici Cumpston
This website was the result of a long-term engagement with John Mawurndjul’s artworks and practice. Beginning in 2016 with a trip to Maningrida, the team sought to bring the beauty and complexity of his work to the public, and foreground the Kuninjku cultural context the work was created within.
The website is produced by the digital media department at the Museum of Contemporary Art Australia: Head of Digital Media, Jean-Pierre Chabrol; Digital Content Producer, Tristan Derátz; Assistant Digital Content Producer, Jazz Money; Online Editor, Lisa Girault.
The design is originally inspired by the work of MCA Graphic Designer, Alex Torcutti and adapted for an online environment by Pollen. Development by Boojum.
The videos are produced by the MCA digital media department.
Cinematography: Jean-Pierre Chabrol and Tristan Derátz
Editing: Jazz Money, Jean-Pierre Chabrol and Hilary Balmond
Audio mix: We Love JAM studios
The digital media team collaborated with many members of the MCA and AGSA, but especially the curatorial team, Clothilde Bullen, Natasha Bullock, Nici Cumpston, Keith Munro & Lisa Slade, and linguist anthropologist, Murray Garde. With thanks to Zebedee Bonson and Ananais Jawulba.