Hear the pronunciation, spoken by Ananais Jawulba
Kurrurldul is a place for people of Kela, Wamud, Wamuddjan, Balang and Belinj subsections. Kurrurldul is duwa moiety Country in Kurulk clan Country. There is a crow ancestral being at Kurrurldul. I see the crow in the form of a rock that stands up in the middle of the creek. It’s standing there in the water at Kurrurldul. The water in the creek there is black like the crow and is not good to drink. We only drink water from the tap that flows out of the bore they put there. That crow is called Djimarr. The crow calls ‘wak wak wak wak’ and then sits. Kurrurldul is the crow place here in the west, and is related to the brolga who called out from another duwa moiety place there at Malnjangarnak in the east. That crow Djang has two navels. Kevin Djimarr has two navels; one has been removed with medical treatment and the other remains on his body. Djimarr is a name for the crow.
– John Mawurndjul, with translation by Murray Garde