This artwork is associated with Milmilngkan
This is at Milmilngkan. The arched line at the top is bardedde (Flagellaria indica or bangle vine, also known as supplejack), where the water has filled up the waterhole. The white bar is water flowing, it flows along. In the middle, the water is held back like in a dam, and downstream it flows. The bangle vine, which grows in the stream, is holding the water back. The vine is saying, ‘You go away, that way’ – it flows downstream. This is a duwa moiety place, downstream from the outstation buildings at Milmilngkan.
Milmilngkan. Mane yimeng kure yimewong barddedde, njamed bobarlmeng kunronj. Barddedde manih. Mane kunronj kamre konda kabebme kare. Kuburldjdjarn manekke balhmeng kunronj la kanjdji kadjale. Balhmeng barddedde bonj la kunronj. Manekke kaworhnan kayime ‘Yiray kureh’ kakolung. Bolkduwa, Milmilngkan kure ngayi, kandjikanjdji.