Kunred (places)

Hear the pronunciation, spoken by Ananais Jawulba

Kudjarnngal is a duwa site. In the creek bed at Kudjarnngal there is white clay (huntite). It’s in the riverbank there. I get my own white ochre by digging it out of the ground. The white clay nodules are the excrement of the Rainbow Serpent, which she has left there and it just stays in the ground. That white ochre will not disappear, it will always remain there. There are also the remains of Ancestors at Kudjarnngal, near the crossing on the road.

Mankabo delek kahdjaldi. Delek kahdi makkan mankabo manekke. Ngamang manekke delek ngarduk ngabolkkarung. Ngalyod kangukdeng kabawon, kadjaldi bonj. Minj bale kayime karrolkan delek, nakka nungan bonj munguyhmunguyh karri. Name djulng nungan kahyo. Kahre mane.

– John Mawurndjul, with translation by Murray Garde